• We are Excited to Work with you

    Step 1: Go to Business Manager, Click Assign Partner

    Business Manager

    In your Business Manager, check the left hand column. You’re looking under “Accounts” for a link called “Pages.” Once you find that, you’re looking for a button that says Assign Partners.

    Step 2: Choose Business ID

    Business ID

    Choose Business ID as the option you want to add. You can copy and paste the business ID provided below into the pertinent field.


    Our Business Partner ID is:


    Step 3: Configure Your Settings

    Adjust the Settings

    Enter the Business ID, which is provided below.

    Then, set your settings to match those found in the associated screenshot.

    Step 4: Add to Ad Account

    Ad Account

    We’re almost done! Now we need to add the same business partner to the ad account(s) as needed.

    In the left-hand column, under the “Accounts” tab you’re looking for “Ad Accounts” and we’re basically going to repeat the process.

    Step 5: Configure Your Settings

    Enter ID and Adjust the Settings

    Enter the Business ID, which is provided below.

    Then, set your settings to match those found in the associated screenshot.

    Our Business Partner ID is:


    Step 6: Finish It Up!

    We’re Done!

    That’s it! Click the button as indicated in the associated screenshot and we’re good to go!

    If You Don’t Already Have a Payment Method on File, Follow These Steps:

    Step 1

    Login to Personal Facebook Page & Click on “Down Arrow” in top right corner. Select “settings”.

    Step 2

    Click on “Payments”.

    Step 3

    Click on “Ads Billing”.

    Step 4

    Click on “Add Payment Method” (the green button).